
Replica Designer Hermes Birkin 30cm Handbag Etoupe

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Hermes Birkin is an extremely sought-after bag that was inspired by Jane Birkin. It is handmade in France by skilled artisans who use Hermes’ saddle stitching tradition, which dates back to the 1800s. These luxury items are investment-quality, meaning that they hold their value or even increase over time. Hermes Birkin bags are highly sought after in high-end style. This bag is a great option for both work and night out.

Handcrafted from 100% Clemence leather

Handles made of double-rolled leather

Hardware embossed with Hermes Paris

The bottom is protected by four palladium feet

Two belted straps and a turnlock with a padlock close the flap

An embossed Hermes Paris made in France label appears under the flap on the front of the bag

An interior pocket and a zip pocket are made of soft lambskin leather

Size: 30 x 22 x 16 cm

A Hermes dust bag and certificate card are included.


Gold, Silver

2 reviews for Replica Designer Hermes Birkin 30cm Handbag Etoupe

  1. DONNA

    The bags are awesome! Love love love them!

  2. CATHY

    I got the bag. I love it!! Many thanks.

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Replica Designer Hermes Birkin 30cm Handbag Etoupe